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Writer's pictureCandice Mackel

The Three P’s of Publicity

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

There are a lot of different things everyone thinks about when it comes to publicity. It actually may be something that can be overwhelming and I have been in this industry for 15+ years. However, I thought it would be nice to approach this topic being very simplistic so I want to share The Three P's of Publicity with you! Before you start the process of media outreach, start to implement the below:

1. Planning

Before starting the press process or approaching any publication, it is important to make sure that you have a plan. This is to ensure that you don’t just push out the idea hoping that maybe someone will bite or even the mindset that "something will stick". Having a great idea without having any plan in place and not even knowing where to go is the wrong action. Thinking ahead and having a plan gives you a sense of direction and foundation of where you’re looking to go with your publicity plan. It doesn’t matter if it changes along the way, since you can always just create another one or just add to the plan already in place. What’s important is the fact there is a plan in place.

2. Persistence

When you're on your journey of seeking publicity, it doesn't mean you will always receive a guaranteed “yes”. You will probably even hear a lot of no’s for a long time before finally getting into the groove and that is OK. However, you can't let that first “no” or the other 20 more that will follow sting you so hard that it will cause you to push stop. Even with the lack of response from calls or email responses…please do not take it personally. At the end of the day, it’s still business. And instead of sulking, you should practice persistence and press on especially when it comes to publicity. After all, no matter how long, the right person will come for you. Whether it’d be the right editor, contributor, journalist, or blogger…they will come and also notice you. The key is just being persistent.

3. Patience

Along with persistence is also the practice of patience. To keep on going and riding that train, you do not only need to be persistent but to be patient in the long ride ahead as well. You do not achieve success by persistence alone and it doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, you may have heard that when you get something too quick, it may be quick on how you lose it. Why? There is;t a strategy in place because you were too focused on being "quick" with your actions. Having a slow, steady build with your publicity, making sure that it has a solid foundation, is being patient. As long as patience is practiced along the journey, your success will be there. Ultimately, publicity is a marathon, not a sprint and you have to be willing to be present in the process.

By applying these "Three P’s of Publicity", you will be able to implement anything on your journey. Through proper planning, persistence, and patience, you can achieve your goal and even make more room for other destinations as well.

Want to learn more about publicity and how you can use them to your brand’s advantage? Contact Candice Nicole Public Relations to fully understand this important ingredient to business success.

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