If you have already secured your media interviews (digital, print, TV, podcast, etc.), the most important thing to do is to SHARE! I have most definitely seen individuals who have secured great interviews not share and I have always wondered why. You have to leverage that accomplishment and let people know what you're doing- they honestly want to know and want to cheer you on.
To do that, here are 5 tips/suggestions about what to do after securing a media interview:
1. Share it with your network
When you are featured in a media interview, this is the time to share it with your network, family, and friends. You can use your email marketing, social media platforms, and website to spread the word. Oh, and always make sure to tag the media outlet and the journalist (if you have that information) as well. They love receiving credit too, folks :)
2. Repurpose It
Share it not only in one place but with other platforms as well (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). Posting it once does not mean that everyone saw your post. You need to repurpose it to be able to reach out to more audiences, especially through stories that disappear after a day. In addition, take that topic that you were speaking on and turn into a blog post, LinkedIn article or even a podcast episode (if you have one).
3. Add it to your media kit
Add your links to your media kit and attach them to your website. You can put the logo of the media outlet on your press page or media kit and hyperlink so it can lead directly to the media interview link. This can also give your content visibility from keywords. Make sure that once you have these media interviews, you are housing these links and being responsible for their security and not getting them lost in your inbox.
4. Add it to your current media pitches
When you are pitching yourself in that interview show, they also want to know that you have been featured in other areas. Being able to see these interview links will give them the idea that you can communicate about what you are pitching to them. Even if it’s a written article, they are still going to read that and that’s why it’s important to do this.
5. Have a Plan
The title of this article is "You Secured a Media Interview... Now What?" So yes, now what? How are you going to use them? What are you going to do to leverage them? How will they assist you in your business goals? These are the questions that should guide you in making a plan for future actions. Always have a plan. You need some type of direction. It doesn’t matter if this plan that you have mapped out and spent months working on changes. The fact is that you have a plan. What’s important is that even when you have to change it, you still have some type of direction.
By making use of the media interviews that you have, you will leverage them and yourself as well. By just letting them sit and be stuck in your inbox is a disservice to you and the people who are looking for your services or to hear your story.
If you're interested in working with our agency, Candice Nicole Public Relations to start your journey toward a successful visibility journey, please contact us via www.candicenicolepr.com.
